Academic Presentations
Invited Talks, Lectures, & Panels
Ghabrial, M.A. (Jun, 2023). Measurement of Intersectional factors and Intersectional Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis and Applications to Suicide Research. Youth Suicide Research Consortium.
Ghabrial, M.A. (May, 2022). "My people are resilient, joyful, and beautiful": Queer and trans people of Colour on stressors and strengths. Columbia University LGBT Health Series Seminar. New York City, New York.
Ghabrial, M.A. (February, 2021). Careers panel: Increasing diversity and inclusion in Psychology. Glasgow University Psychology Society Careers Conference.
Ghabrial, M.A. (March, 2020). “We can shapeshift and build bridges”: Bisexual women and gender diverse people of color on invisibility and embracing the borderlands. Paper presented at the 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Women in Psychology. Austin, Texas.
Ghabrial, M.A., Classen, C.C., & Maggi, J.D. (March, 2019). “I’ve found my voice. I’ve found a sisterhood”: Feasibility and benefits of web-based support and resources for women living with HIV. Paper presented at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Women in Psychology. Newport, Rhode Island.
Selected Conference Papers, Symposia, & Discussion Hours
Ghabrial, M. A., Speechley, K., Gale, L., Temple, J., Sansfaçon A., & Bauer, G. R. (September, 2022). Longitudinal examination of trans youth perceptions of parental support and family strength: Results from a retrospective study with youth undergoing gender affirming medical care. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health.
Ghabrial, M.A. (July, 2021). Identity affirmation and psychological wellbeing among queer people of Colour. Oral presentation at the meeting of the International Congress of Psychology, Prague, Czech Republic.
Ghabrial, M. A., Lawson, M., Bauer, G. R., & Gotovac, S. (2021, June). Pathways to gender-affirming care for transgender youth in the Trans Youth CAN! Study. Paper presented at the meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.
Ghabrial, M.A.* Marcus, N.,* Rodriguez de los Reyes, G. & Collict, D. (July, 2020). Coming out of the ivory closet: Using a multimedia website to translate research on LGBTQ+ mental health for healthcare practitioners and community members. Oral presentation at the meeting of the International Congress of Psychology, Prague, Czech Republic.
Ghabrial, M.A. (August, 2019). Affirmations and Intersections: Bisexuality, Gender, Relationships, and Representation. Paper to be presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Ghabrial, M.A. (August, 2019). Development and initial validation of a measure of positive identity for sexual orientation minority people of Color. Symposium to be presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Ghabrial, M.A., Hashtpari, H., Kase, C., Herbitter, C., & Matsuno, E. (August, 2019). Language and labels: Navigating sexual orientation from a non-binary framework. Roundtable to be led at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Ghabrial, M.A., Hashtpari, H., Kase, C., & Matsuno, E. (August, 2018). Issues facing queer and trans women of color in academia. Discussion hour led at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
Ghabrial, M.A. (2018, July). A bibliometric enquiry into health psychology (1962-2012): Topics, theories and populations addressed or under-represented. Paper presented at the meeting of the European Society for the History of the Human Sciences, Groningen, Netherlands.
Lubek, I., Ghabrial, M.A., Ennis, N., Crann, S., Jenkins, A., Green, M.,...Barata, P. (2018, July). Adventures in publishing a critical look at the development of health psychology and behavioral medicine in the United States. Paper presented at the meeting of the European Society for the History of the Human Sciences, Groningen, Netherlands.
Ghabrial, M.A., Classen, C.C., & Maggi, J.D. (2018, June). Exploring the benefits and feasibility of professionally moderated, psychoeducational web-based support for women living with HIV. Paper presented at the International Congress of Applied Psychology, Montreal, Canada.
Lubek, I., Ghabrial, M.A., Ennis, N., Crann, S., Jenkins, A., Green, M.,...Barata, P. (2018, June). Notes on the development of Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine in the United States. Keynote address presented at the Canadian Psychological Association Section on History and Philosophy, Calgary, Canada.
Ross, L.E., Salway, T., Hawkins, B.W., Ghabrial, M., & Ahn, B. (2018, June). Mental health and substance use among bisexual people: A systematic review of evidence and call to action. Paper presented at the International Congress of Applied Psychology, Montreal, Canada.
Lubek, I., Ghabrial, M.A., Ennis, N., Crann, S., Jenkins, A., Green, M.,...Barata, P. (2018, June). Do good fences make good neighbors? Critical thoughts on the history{y/ies} of health psychology{y/ies} in Canada and the U.S. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Society for the History of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Akron, Ohio.
Lubek, I., Badali, J., Ghabrial, M., Green, M., Ennis, N.E., Crann, S.,...Luthra, T. (2017, July). Health promotion insights from Cambodia using a critical, community-centric data/action approach: Connecting alcohol abuse, HIV/AIDS and economic distress with gender and institutional policies (2004-2017). Paper presented at the meeting of the International Society of Critical Health Psychology, Loughborough, United Kingdom.
Ghabrial, M., Salmon, W., Badali, J., Ennis, N., Crann, S., Moodley, J.,...Lubek, I. (2014, July). The development of health psychology and behavioural medicine (1962-2012) in the US: Contextual particularities and disciplinary boundary-bending. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the European Society for the History of Human Sciences, Oulu, Finland.
Lubek, I., Ennis, N., Ghabrial, M., Badali, J., Green, M., Pollock, G., Sulima, E., Kros, S., Hav, H., Ma, V., Lim, N., Prendergast, C., Mason, C., Lee, H., Tolson, M., Phaal, S., Sar, M., Te Ou, P., Schmich, K., Turner, J. (2012, April). From action research to union action: Changing social contexts and discourses of Cambodian women who go on strike, seek day care, and find their community and global voices. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Society of Australasian Social Psychologists Conference, Adelaide, Australia.
Ghabrial, M., Green, M., Badali, J., Mason, C., Phaal, S., Sar, M.,…Lubek, I. (2011, June). Developing workers’ rights for women in the developing world: The case of Cambodian beer-sellers (2002-2010). K.R. Cohen & L. Votta-Bleeker (Co-Chairs). Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.
*co-first authorship
Selected Poster Presentations (Note: * indicates a supervised student)
Ghabrial, M.A. (2024, January). Identity affirmation is associated with patterns of cardiovascular stress reactivity among LGBTQ+ people of Color. Poster to be presented at the National Multicultural Conference and Summit. Sante Fe, NM.
Ghabrial, M. A., Ferguson, T., Scheim, A. I., Popat, M., Adams, N. J., Bauer, G. R. (2022, September). Exploration of the factors that predict having a primary healthcare provider for trans and non-binary immigrants and refugees. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health.
Ghabrial, M.A., & Ross, L.E. (2018, August). Representation and erasure of bisexual people of color in mental health research. Poster session presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
- Poster selected as Division 44 representative for APA-wide poster competition.
Ghabrial, M.A. (2018, August). Developing a measure of empowerment derived from one's LGBTQ+-POC identity. Poster session presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
Ghabrial, M.A. (2018, June). The Positive Intersectionality Scale: Developing a predictor of resilience unique to sexual orientation and gender minority people of color. Poster session presented at the International Congress of Applied Psychology, Montreal, Canada.
Ghabrial, M.A., & Ross, L.E. (2018, June). A content analysis of racial representation and discrimination in bisexual mental health research. Poster session presented at the International Congress of Applied Psychology, Montreal, Canada.
Ghabrial, M.A. (2017, January). Protective narratives of LGBTQ people of colour. Poster session presented at the 2017 National Multicultural Conference and Summit. Portland, OR.
Ghabrial, M.A. (2016, May). “Trying to figure out where we belong”: An exploration of identity, community, and stigma. Poster session presented at the University of Toronto Mississauga Graduate Research Colloquium. Mississauga, ON.
Ghabrial, M.A. (2016, April). Narratives of racialized sexual and gender minorities on community, identity, and discrimination. Poster session presented at the 2016 Annual Meeting of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trans Health Workforce. New York, NY.
Sohbati, N.*, Ghabrial, M.A., Papazoglou, K., Stelmacovich, V., Tam, P. & Andersen, J.P. (2016, March). Exploring the experiences of police officers who deadly shot suspects in the line of duty. Poster session presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Denver, CO.