Academic Teaching
Health Psychology; Motivation & Emotion; Personality Psychology; Advanced Study of Personality Psychology; Sex Roles and Behaviour, Psychology of Sex and Gender; Introduction to Psychology
Example student feedback
"The instructor was incredibly engaging and helpful, took the time to get to know her students on an individual level, learn names, and generally made everyone feel like a part of the class. The lectures in themselves were interesting and easy to follow along, and conveyed the subject matter very well."
"Prof Ghabrial is an exceptional professor who was clearly passionate about the material. She was approachable and conductive to my learning in a sense where I felt safe and welcomed to speak my opinion."
"The professor of this course was absolutely amazing! She obviously loves what she is talking about and it showed in the way she taught in class."
Guest-Teaching and Facilitating
April 2025 (forthcoming): Intersectionality, Gender, and Health. Advanced Topics in Women, Gender, and Health; Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health.
April 2024: Intersectionality, Gender, and Health. Advanced Topics in Women, Gender, and Health; Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health.
Feb 2018: Trauma and Stress-Related Disorders. Psy240: Introduction to Abnormal Psychology, University of Toronto. Student evaluations available upon request
09 Aug 2016: Stigma and the Stigmatized: Health in the Context of Discrimination. Psy333: Health Psychology, University of Toronto.
31 Oct 2014: Substance Use and Harm Reduction. Psy240: Introduction to Abnormal Psychology, University of Toronto.
25 Aug 2013: Co-facilitator: Safer Sex Workshop for HIV Prevention. Siem Reap Citizens for Health, Educational, and Social Issues (NGO 704); Siem Reap, Cambodia
Graduate Teaching Assistantships
2013 – 2020:
Psychology Department, University of Toronto Mississauga
PSY100: Introduction to Psychology (x3); PSY240: Introduction to Abnormal Psychology (x5); PSY220: Introduction to Social Psychology (x2); PSY230: Introduction to Personality; PSY333: Health Psychology; PSY395: Hormones and Behaviour; PSY327: Interpersonal Relationships; PSY328: Psychology and the Law; PSY346: Abnormal Psychology; PSY320: Social Psychology: Attitudes; PSY325: Psychology of the Self (x2)