Grants & Awards

Fellowships and Grants

2024: Health and Behaviour International Collaborative Award | International Behavioural Trials Network (3000 USD)

Project title: Developing Intersectional LGBTQ+ Competency Training for Healthcare Professionals 

2022: CIHR Postdoctoral Fellowship, Canadian Institutes of Health Research (135,000 CAD)

Project title: Access and Barriers to Care: Investigating the ABCs and novelties of trans and non-binary immigrant experiences in pathways from immigration to healthcare

2017: Trainee Award for Innovative Thinking to Support LGBTQI2S Health and Wellness, Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Institute of Gender and Health (25,000 CAD)

Project title: Queer Care Kit ( 

Selected Academic and Service Awards

2021: Gender and Sexual Minority Manuscript Award, Association for Women in Psychology (250 USD)

2021: Distinguished Dissertation Award - Finalist, Canadian Association for Graduate Studies 

2019: Gender and Sexual Minority Manuscript Award, Association for Women in Psychology (250 USD)

2019: Distinguished Student Contribution Award, American Psychological Association, Division 44

2019: Bisexual Issues Committee Student Award, American Psychological Association, Division 44 (500 USD)

2018: Student Engagement Award, American Psychological Association, Division 44 (250 USD)

2018: Doctoral Completion Award, University of Toronto (2,500 CAD)

2018: Women and Gender Student Paper Award - Honorable Mention, American Psychological Association, Association for Women in Psychology & Society for Women in Psychology 

2018: Student Paper Award - Finalist, Canadian Psychological Association, Section on Women and Psychology 

2018: Student Travel Award, Canadian Psychological Association, Section on Women and Psychology (250 CAD)

2018: Winner of Cossette Health Communications Partnership for “Queer My Care”, Hacking Health Pitch Competition, Vancouver, ON

2016: Best Poster, LGBT Health Workforce Conference (250 USD) 

2014: Poster Competition Finalist, University of Toronto MA Poster Competition (25 CAD)